Birdseed Sale

Annual Birdseed Sale:
A Fundraiser for ALAS
Every year ALAS holds their one and only fundraiser partnering with Jay-Mar to supply high quality bird seed for sale.
Pre-order sales are taken during the month of September with a pick-up date the 3rd weekend of October. Information will be sent out to members and previous customers. Do you want a notification? Please email our coordinators to be added to the reminder list.
ALAS Birdseed Sale
c/o Midge & Steve Hall
3188 Dans Drive
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Midge & Steve Hall – ALAS Seed Sale Coordinators
937-608-0865 or 937-608-0864

Volunteers Needed
As with any volunteer organization, we depend upon our members for help. If you want to lend a hand during our fundraiser, please contact our bird seed coordinators. They will add you to the list and let you know when they are ready to schedule volunteers.
Thank you for your continued support of ALAS.
Steve and Midge Hall