Audubon joined forces with the Portage County Master Gardeners for their Garden Parade on Saturday, July 10th. Audubon members, Karen Dostal and Sue Hall were at one of the six homes on the parade on Dan’s Drive at the beautiful property of Bill Berry and Nick Schultz. They informed participants about what Audubon does, gave out information and had a table display of the bird boxes, with non-viable nests and eggs from their monitoring route which is one of their on-going projects. Vinc Heig, a long time Audubon member and ornithologist, also helped with the Audubon group in answering questions about why certain species haven’t returned as usual and identifying some birds people were finding in their yards.

The Master Gardener program is an all-volunteer organization and sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Extension. They help people in the community to better understand horticulture and their environment. This is the fourth time they have invited our Audubon group to participate with their event.
In the afternoon, Karen Dostal also took garden participants on Trisahaw rides for Cycling Without Age (CWA) Portage County around the neighborhood at Dan’s Drive. Karen is one of the pilots for CWA who is trained to help seniors enjoy nature by getting to safely ride and “feel the wind in their hair”. For more information on Cycling Without Age, visit: