Photo: Common Loon @Becky Martin
Audubon's mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.
Our local chapter expands this mission by offering local programming and a monthly newsletter. This page shares these resources and offers additional information on ways you can make a difference in the protection of birds and conservation of resources.

Birding Basics
9 Tips for Beginner Birders (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) - CLICK HERE
Binocular Basics - A Two-minute video clip to get a crystal clear focus with your binoculars - (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) - CLICK HERE
Inside Birding – Short videos to help you become a better birder (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Inside Birding: Size & Shape
Inside Birding: Color Pattern
Inside Birding: Understanding Behavior
Inside Birding: Habitat
Local Birding Hot Spots:
Erickson Natural Area: The Erickson Natural Area, Stevens Point, WI is located on McDill Pond adjacent to Koziczkowski Park. This parcel of land has been found to be an important "rest area" for many species of neotropical migratory birds like the Scarlet Tanager and Baltimore Oriole.
Schmeeckle Reserve: Is a 275-acre natural area on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Green Circle Trail: 30.5-mile trail linking scenic natural areas that follows along the Wisconsin and Plover Rivers and circles around the city of Stevens Point. Accommodates recreationalists of all types in all seasons.
Other Great Spots
Buena Vista Grasslands
Dewey State Natural Area
Iverson Marsh
Richard A. Kemp State Fishery Area
George W. Mead Wildlife Area
Birding Resource for the Area. Great Wisconsin Birding - Central Sands Prairie Region: This wonderful 75 page WI DNR publication provide a wealth of birding locations in Central Wisconsin area, including 5 great birding located in the Stevens Point area. This project divides the state into five wildlife-viewing regions. Driving trails that link important wildlife sites within each region are being developed.

Jewels of Nature & More Jewels of Nature
Delightful Birds I Have Known
by Alan Haney
Did you ever wish for a bit of insight into what makes a particular bird special, something more than the bird guides, or the academic descriptions of their reproductive behavior that you get in reference books? Especially if you live in the Midwest, Jewels of Nature may be your wish fulfilled.
Author, Alan Haney, has been an astute observer of birds for nearly 40 years, seeing them as an ecologist and field biologist, but most importantly, as one who has come to admire and appreciate how these energetic creatures adapt to and contribute to nature. In Jewels of Nature, he captures the essence of 91 species that can be seen in the Midwest, as well as in many other regions, most of them in backyards or
neighboring fields and forests. His personal stories highlight first sightings, humorous observations, unusual behavior, and ecologically important characteristics that elevate these birds from dull descriptions to living creatures that share and enrich our world.
Go into the field with Alan to gain a more complete understanding of these birds, through which he provides the reader a window into Nature.
Published July 30, 2014. 256 pages.

Bird City Wisconsin is a program to encourage conservation of birds and habitat preservation and restoration. Wisconsin sponsors include the Milwaukee Audubon Society, the Wisconsin Audubon Council, the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology,
the Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative, Madison Audubon Society, Natural
Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, the Bluebird Restoration Association of Wiscon-
sin, Friends of the Mead/McMillan Association, Inc., and the Aldo Leopold Audubon
Society (ALAS).
A “startup” grant was given to this consortium in 2009 by the “Together Green” program sponsored by Toyota and the National Audubon Society.
ALAS was the third applicant for a BCW award. Modeled after the Tree City USA program, awardees will receive a large flag, four signs to be posted at the City limits, and a plaque to be displayed in the Mayor’s office of that community.
There are 5 Bird City communities in Central Wisconsin including: Pittsville, Plover, Rome, Stevens Point, and Wausau. To learn more visit: www.birdcitywisconsin.org

Several of our members are active in monitor a bluebird trail as an ongoing effort to contribute to the conservation, protection, and scientific research of bluebirds.
In 2018, ALAS received National Recognition from the North American Bluebird Society for the outstanding work and community involvement for the protection of bluebirds. Kent Hall, PhD, was the the coordinator at the time and wrote, "“The Audubon Bluebird Trail has completed 17 seasons of research on the Eastern Bluebird and associated cavity nesting songbirds (tree swallow, chickadee and wren). Based on successful total population of bluebirds (EABL’s) per season, this effort has been the most successful bluebird trail in Wisconsin for the past 7 seasons and the U.S. for the past 6 seasons.”
Learn more at our news story to read ALAS's accomplishments to date, or visit www.braw.org for more information.

ALAS Receives National Award from The North American Bluebird Society (2018)

Safe Passages
for Birds
As a recognized Bird City, ALAS partners with the City of Stevens Point on a conservation effort to give birds safe migratory passage in Stevens Point. Safe Passage is an effort to protect birds from window strikes especially during spring and fall bird migration. Bird-window collisions are a serious conservation concern, killing up to one billion birds annually in the United States. A Safe Passage program will make our community more bird-friendly while also supporting our sustainability goals by reducing energy usage. We are currently seeking local businesses in Stevens Point interested to join the program.

Millions of birds die every year, because in daylight they can’t tell reflections from reality and during night migration lights from windows attract them to buildings increasing the chances they will encounter and collide with glass.
Source: American Bird Conservancy
Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems,
focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.

Follow the Latest in Conservation Issues:
Find Representatives:

Invasive Species: The introduction and spread of invasive species are threatening the ecological balance and relationships among native species. This is having a big impact on bird habitats. Learn More:
Window Collisions: Up to about 1 billion birds die from window strikes in the U.S. each year. This article helps us better understand the issue and offers some ways we can help prevent window Why Birds Hit Windows and How You Can Help Prevent It. collisions
Keep Cats Indoors: It has been estimated that cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year in the U.S. alone. The American Birds Conservancy has more on this important issue. Visit the ABC Website.

Get involved and contribute to community science projects and the study of birds.
Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin
Environment for the Americas - Conserving Birds by Connecting People
The Great Backyard Bird Count: Wisconsin Results
This University of Pittsburgh collection is one of most complete sets of John James Audubon’s Birds of America
February Agenda
Aldo Leopold Audubon Agenda for February 12, 2025
Schmeekle Reserve Meeting Room or over Zoom
7:00 p.m.
l. Additions to the agenda
II. Approval of Minutes (Willow)
III. Treasurer’s Report (Jan)
IV. Introductions
IV. Announcements:
1. End of Year Report (Karen)
2. Bird City Application (Janet)
V. Discussion Items
1.World Migratory Bird Day (Janet)
2. Boston School Forest Earth Day event April 13, 1-4
3. Should we apply for a credit card?
VI. Action Items:
1. Statewide National Audubon Collaborative Initiative (Karen)
2. 2 grants to fund (Bob Lane)
1. Plover River Crossing
2. Boston School Forest
3. Golden Sands Community High School
Committee Chair Reports
A. Almanac (Lora) D. Publicity (Brad Branwell)
Newsletter Deadline 2-28-25 E. Membership (Janet)
B. Website (Rob) F. Education (Bob)
C. Field Trips (Brad Baum) G. Conservation (Rob)