Become a Partner in the Safe Passage Program
As a recognized Bird City, the Aldo Leopold Audubon Society is partnering with the City of Stevens Point to launch a conservation effort to give birds safe migratory passage in Stevens Point. Safe Passage is an effort to protect birds from window strikes especially during spring and fall bird migration. Bird-window collisions are a serious conservation concern, killing up to one billion birds annually in the United States. A Safe Passage program will make our community more bird-friendly while also supporting our sustainability goals by reducing energy usage. As a partner in this effort, you will be recognized for your leadership in bird conservation.
How to Become a Partner?
Partners in the Safe Passage for Birds Program show their commitment to helping mitigate potential bird collisions on the building. Partner businesses commit by paying business membership dues annually and committing to the following actions during peak migration periods in spring and fall each year (3-6 weeks each):
1. Turn off exterior decorative lighting
2. Reduce lobby and atrium lighting
3. Turn off interior lighting when not in use
4. Inform employees of the safe passages campaign
5. Consider opportunities to reduce reflective glare on windows.

Benefits of Joining
By becoming a business partner, you will be joining ALAS and the City of Stevens Point in an effort to reduce the number of birds killed by window collisions.
ALAS will provide partners with a packet of materials to help spread the word about the effort. Each packet includes:
Window Decals
Fact Sheets on Bird Collisions
Social Media Post Samples
Sample News Release
Additionally, an ALAS Member can visit your site as a Guest Speaker to talk about this effort with your staff.
Ready to Join the 2022 Program?
If you are a business interested in joining this effort, please email Aldo.Leopold.Audubon@gmail.com We are finalizing the 2022 details.
What Can You Do At Home?
Glass collisions kill up to 1 billion birds in the U.S. each year, and almost half happen at home windows. To address the collisions crisis, the American Bird Conservancy offers excellent resources for homeowners to make their home safer for birds. Visit their website to find great ideas, tips, and actions you can take to help reduce bird collisions.