Special Subcommittee
Photo: Becky Martin
The ALAS Board is forming a special sub-committee to examine and gather feedback from membership about the name “Audubon” being part of our chapter’s name.
Why are we doing this?
National Audubon Society did a thorough examination into the associate to John James Audubon. While there can be no doubt of the impact of his life’s work and passion for birds, he was also an enslaver, whose racism and harmful attitudes toward Black and Indigenous people are now well-understood. Today, more than 100 years later, we are called to re-examine John James Audubon’s legacy through a different lens. In the end, National Audubon Society decided to retain the name for now. At the same time, their process resulted into a deeper commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, Belonging. And as a result, National has committed $25 million dollars to fund the expansion of this work over the next five years.
They also allow other chapters to take on the same or similar process.
In January 2024, at a board retreat we discussed this idea. Of the 12 board members who responded to the survey or were present for discussion, 9 felt we should examine this issue. We put out our commitment statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion. That was published in the April 2024 newsletter. Board members have identified over 20 chapters around the country that have examined this issue, and it resulted in a name change. At the same time, some chapters opted to keep the Audubon name in their chapter after exploring the issue.
So the Aldo Leopold Audubon Society will be starting the process to examine this issue and solicit feedback from its members in 2025.
The process will be this:
February: Solicitation for nominations to serve on the special subcommittee is announced. We will accept nominations for those who would like to be considered to serve on this subcommittee. Are you interested in serving? CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT A FORM.
March: The ALAS Board of Directors will review and select subcommittee members.
April - August: This subcommittee will meet, examine the issue deeper, gather information, and conduct listening sessions.
September: This subcommittee will share their recommendations to the Board of Directors.
This page contains important information about this issue. We encourage anyone who wishes to submit comments, first read about the more recent developments regarding James John Audubon. We do not take this issue lightly.