Local Bird Walks
Come Walk with Us! - Join other nature and bird nerds on a local bird walk to see if we can find birds around natural areas in Stevens Point. Please note: During the summer, the schedule is not every week. Scroll down for dates and times.
Arrive at 7:30AM. Walk begins at 7:35. Duration of walk is weather dependent. With milder temperatures walks average one mile and last about 2 hours at your average birder’s leisurely pace. Walks alternate between Saturdays and Sundays and sample the same location for 2 weeks. Expect walk duration to increase with the warmer temps and increased bird diversity in the spring. Walks take place in most weather conditions. In below zero temperatures we may opt for a different activity other than the walk.
Walks are free and open to anyone interested. No pre-registration required to attend, just simply show up to the rendezvous point listed for each week at 7:30AM. Hope to see you there!
What to bring:
Camera if you have one
Weather appropriate garb
Good hiking shoes/boots
Good vibes
Weekly announcements and reports are made on the Portage Co Birding and SP Nature Wanderings Facebook groups. For questions contact Rob Pendergast at acadiantigerheron@gmail.com or call/text (715) 498-4885 - email is preferred.
Schedule is below.
Winter Bird Walks
Winter Bird Walks (January-February)
January/February 2025
Buena Vista Grassland
Sat, Jan 25- 3:00PM
Sun, Feb 2 - 3:00PM
WALKS WILL RESUME March 22, 2025
Meet at the historical marker at just east of the junction of County Hwy F and County Hwy W. This “walk” will be more of a car caravan covering a wider area in search of grassland birds. We will stick to roads that are maintained and easier to navigate. If we’re lucky, we may even run into a few owls in the area.
Google Maps Pin: https://maps.app.goo.gl/toDxG6HoEqoMRJAR8?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy
GPS Coordinates: 44.3372078, -89.6433668
Description: This trek will run regardless of temperature, since we will be in our vehicles for decent amounts of time. If conditions for snow drifting are present, then the events will be canceled. Carpooling is encouraged to keep the caravan smaller. We will likely spend about 2 hours exploring the grassland and cover about 25 miles.
March 2025 Coming soon!
Walks will resume the weekend of March 22, locations are to be determined.